Chief Of Army Statement A Clear message..(2012)

Today 05'November 2012 Evening 5:45 PM Chief of Army General Ashfaque Pervaiz Kiyani statement came from the Source of I.S.P.R in which He Said , "We need to stop for while and think what we doing is positive or negative for our future? What We doing to make our Institutes Stronger or weaker? There is no Individual Person and Institute can't do the decision in the favor of National Interest" When This news came as Breaking News So The First Journalist Mr.Hamid Mir start taunting that Chief of Army statement against of him , Even till that time their next two three lines not convey to the media but Mr. Hamid Mir Start and trying to built pressure on army or what He said to the news anchor its seem like that after one month Chief of Army put Marshall Law , as Hamid Mir thousands time said "That Intelligence Agencies said him that , He is part of CIA or etc " but other side He is still here and doing His program and The Head of ISI and Chief of Army c...