Policies Regarding Cities & Villages

Policies Regarding Cities & Villages As I know about this there is shelter tax which govt take by from every shop of the market after eleven month of the year and CDGk also collect various taxes in various departments in local bodies of CDGK , If National assembly pass a resolution for local bodies and total of every depart tax which CDGK or any other CDG take from the various department.The Federal Govt take 33% of that total tax of every depart but strengthen for their province education and can help federal govt departments when ever a new CDG take over so 1st start to create re-search,Hospital Health awareness campaigns and Cultural & Arts related program in every area of Karachi the councils and mayors responsible if any sort of negligence happen the city mayor should have power if in 2 years of CDG don't expense their funds 51% in their areas so Councilor and mayor of that area would be change by re-elections in council and area mayor levels and part of po...