
Showing posts from February 9, 2016

Valentine 2016

Always ,All I need is you ! But I know You can't be mine , which broke me in pieces nine, your memories always in my mind,  I manage myself to live with out you ,but I know your hearts always mine , when you remove me from your soul that's would be the my last breathed time ,  I just wana say you Happy Valentine ..  See I am fine .. Written By Mohsin Ali 

"Hypocrisy Examples"

Start Wedding with Melaad and Mehndi n, Just Put Quran on Bride feel did our Dutry, Mehndi On Dance Beats ,  Valima Ends on Songs and Valentine is Haraam .  Some Couples made every Year of Life before marriage  but after marriage Some years they decide it's not good  Anti-Islam or Anti Our Culture values but they still follow  Georgian Calendar , and Celebrate 14 August , 23 March which is totally English Dates as compare to find Islamic dates of these days and try to make noise give Holidays on Islamic Dates. A Word which we Use FUCK ? want to know the reality ? French Under Constitute of King Means FUCK .   But We Use FUCK As Slang Cause FUCK means Go To Hell in Dictionary which we follow or Go to ..... so what's you take from it  , It's up to you all the world is not living under that French King Constitute which was the 1st form of Birth Certificate , So Birth Certificate is also wrong ? or it's also Un Gentle thing Why Follow it ? Just like ...