Time has Value I m trying to tell the people about our wastage of time in a normal day ,last week article Hassan Nissar put my attention toward this as Nation how much we waste our time if we calculate those all time and suppose every person at-least waste one hour daily of it's life so as nation 18 billion people waste in last 65 years how many centuries we waste that's why there is no productivity work regarding inventions of Pakistan or as Muslim Ummah ,I would like to share my readers this famous quote "A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life". Charles Darwin actually the deli ma of Our society we have so much time to think about others and pull each other legs , taunt each other and waste our time on which subject we can't do anything on that manner , in civilize countries people talk about ideas not people worry they are, In Other countries people during travel reading newspapers or read the books on that l...