Time has Value

Time  has Value

I m trying to tell the people about our wastage of time in a normal day ,last week article Hassan Nissar put my attention toward this as Nation how much we waste our time if we calculate those all time and suppose  every person at-least waste one hour daily of it's life so as nation 18 billion people waste in last 65 years how many centuries we waste that's why there is
no productivity work regarding inventions of Pakistan or as Muslim Ummah ,I would like to share my readers this famous quote

"A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life".
Charles Darwin

actually the deli ma of Our society we have so much time to think about others and pull each other legs , taunt each other and waste our time on which subject we can't do anything on that manner , in civilize countries people talk about ideas not people worry they are, In Other countries people during travel reading newspapers or read the books on that leisure time but in our society when we are on long travel we sleep and waste our time in stupids things  , but in our society every one has time to criticize on others ,It's my point of view if you talk about some thing so you mus have aim about that particular thing or it would be in your life pipeline stuff so it's fruitful for discuss .

The other disease in our society prevail that complain about government regarding departments and want our rights but when some one said you waste lots of time to use slang for these departments why you don't guys together and put a petition in court regarding your local or national level matter so people scare , yes this is fact that our society is full of corrupt people and system is also corrupt but there are some very clean persons in every department but you need to find that person
in the end you can't find the "ALLAH" without searching him , how can you find honest person without searching  at-least people need to try to put first step against the injustice which they face but their mind sets are set like this that's nothing can change  that's very strange and really make me sad .Cause  Allah said to Muslims "Never be hopeless" and also you at-least take 1st step towards me I would take 10 steps towards you . There is so big issue or might be our design defect that we call our-self as Muslims but not open our mind and eyes .

The time which we spend in UN-constructive stuff or time which we spend destruct our own stuff , we want to stand as Muslim (Pakistani) Nation we need to change our mindsets and thinking and turn into productive and constructive work.tell me any one
invention last 300 years which Muslim Ummah create ? our lives are totally reliable on western and non-Muslims stuff that's our think provoking deli ma that we and even I waste my many hours of life and didn't turn to positive or constructive stuff
how long we waste our time we would go quickly in stone age  , other countries not reach just Afghanistan , Iraq and many others countries they also reach the Moon,Mars and others Universe planet and we Muslim stand where ? Any Idea! Think before
time gone .

Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.
Anton Chekhov



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