Pakistan India Recent Conflict

I am Pakistani by born but I try to be neutral regarding this issue according to the basic norms of Journalism, After 2001 world enter an strange without planned war on the behalf of world super power U.S.A who determine the New World Order in which Pakistan and most of countries and Pakistan approx all parties support it . But before we talk this there is long history regarding Pakistan & India after partition first war happened in 1948 from India in which India lost after that 1965 which start India and Indian lose that war in 1971 Pakistan was fight against his own Province Eastern Pakistan (Bangladesh) and India enters in it and Pakistan lost this war badly further conflicts between happened after that in disputed Kashmir Indian army cut the heads of Muslim then Kargill happened in which evidence came that Indian army cut the Pakistan Army soldiers head and then after 2002 agreement in 2013 January starting 20 days 14 times ...