11-May Elections or Game plan ?

11-May Elections or Game plan ? Finally 11th may passed away and elections happened in Pakistan, let’s discuss the positive thing first in election that's turnout was so good overall and no big lose the life in these elections and third force came out in these elections and people worried about their votes make proper queue for vote in Pakistan which Pakistani nation usually not seem in proper queue and wait for their turn , but in elections it's happen that's all was the positive sign in this election whatever we say and how much we disagree President Zardari Policies ,corruption and other things but at last ,He did elections in Pakistan. The fact is this as Mr.Zardari said "Election would not be Elect, it would be bought" and it's happened the mandate change almost in three provinces but as election bought so that's why the result is like that, In Karachi before elections TTP did rigging for Pakistan Threeke-Insaf, Pakistan Muslim League (...