11-May Elections or Game plan ?

11-May Elections or Game plan ?

   Finally 11th may passed away and elections happened in Pakistan, let’s discuss the positive thing first in election that's turnout was so good overall and no big lose the life in these elections and third force came out in these elections and people worried about their votes make proper queue for vote in Pakistan which Pakistani nation usually not seem in proper queue and wait for their turn , but in elections it's happen that's all was the positive sign in this election whatever we say and how much
we disagree President Zardari Policies ,corruption and other things but at last ,He did elections in Pakistan.
The fact is this as Mr.Zardari said "Election would not be Elect, it would be bought" and it's happened the mandate change almost in three provinces but as election bought so that's why the result is like that, In Karachi before elections TTP did rigging for Pakistan Threeke-Insaf, Pakistan Muslim League  (N),Jamaiat-Ulma(Fazal-Ur-Rehman)) & Jamat-Islami then on 11-May PML (N) MQM and in Interior Sindh PPP and every small n big party did rigging because PPP and Mr.Zardari was ready to shift major mandate to PML (N) because in Senate PPP majority they want to give the tough time because last five years Mr.Zardari just try to agree every collation party for complete their time due to N.R.O (Famous Cases) because of government. He had save passage now in Election the rigging happened in all over Pakistan last 20 years is the biggest once but this was settled by International powers so you can tune any International media channel declare it's all over free and fair elections. The people who need change having disappointment and lost their courage. Imran Khan is new in this filed however He doing politics last 17 years but now He is entering in maturity of it.But this election not make strong Pakistan as media shout this election create basic blunder if we accept this elections so in four provinces votesdivide linguistic bases in Karachi Urdu Speaking (Mahajir's) means Democratic first brick put in wrong way if this sort of one or two more elections happened so it's distance between provinces then what MQM leader Mr.Altaf Hussain said "Congrats Mr.Nawaz your twenty year old slogan 'awake Punjabi Awake  works and all provinces cast vote on linguistic bases so they Pakistan solidarity in future this is quite dangerous but no Analyst focus on it no one give the attention on it.
But after elections P.T.I government would make in KPK,Punjab PML (N),Baluchistan Mixed government or might be army would be there as we see last five year that government did just corruption and military on foot in Baluchistan and in Sindh somehow PPP & MQM would adjust there self. After results the speech of Nawaz Shareef his body language and attitude shown somehow, He is bit change but not completely cause old habits never go so quickly in this age then after one day speech He want to invite Indian Prime Minister in first Assembly session which show's He tried to show world .He want peace in region and world other side story is this that He want to make happy anti-Iran forces because when Iran Pakistan gas line happened. His statement was on record regarding Iran-Pak gas line and Gawadar.
It's not easy to serve in federal government for Mr.Nawaz Sharif because issues are so many and His old record shows the performance but other side hard time to P.T.I (Imran Khan) too. How they control the
terrorism situation in KPK and what's He do in KPK for education and most important local bodies election before elections both claim and force fully in start 90 days local bodies election date would be announce. How federal and Provincial government achieve the control on load shedding on International media (BBC) saying "Federal government hands would be burn if they not tackle wisely" and for even "Imran bit failed from his promises in KPK" so worst scenario would be for both governments we must need to focus on both and see how they perform other side economy situation is going bad day by day and budget in June’s not International Analyst ,local columnist and analyst hardly seem this government do next five years and how Imran Khan play as opposition leader in assembly. The first budget would clear bit things then after that when Chief of Army would change then how Pakistani Establishment react after that. But don't forget if He doesn’t deliver especially in Sindh and Baluchistan side so hatred would be increase for Punjab in other provinces. Pakistani nation also don't need to sleep after election it's nation duty to take their rights and do democratic protest and make their voice loud to put pressure cause vote is first step of democracy after that keep bull eye on your government and take the rights, if youth lose the hope and don't vote and don't take stand for rights then same scenario would be create so keep awaking now enough is enough.It was election or game plan which's successfull.
Written by: Mohsin Ali


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