Our Basic Problem

Yesterday when I was reading Raja Poras & Alexander Letter in Jang, where Raja Poras called himself “Bhagwan” God Forbid, basically this is show the our leaders mindset from that time to this time when they got power they act like that, also the other interesting thing which you realize that all the things on those fort use gold and there was even no silver that time inside forts so we can think about it that always Hindustan leaders grab the money from poor’s and fill their state offices and their homes ,so 336 A.D the things was like this and now look today in our country Pakistan situation so still we stand on same place ,the Alexander took his education from Arastu the great philosopher all time ,but there is one conflict between them about overseas people which U.S follow Alexander follow this thinking and now they are successful but in Pakistan overseas of other countries have no value even those who left their lands, homes and relative for Pakistan still do...