
Showing posts from October 20, 2012

Tough Days .... in Karachi...

Tough Days .... in Karachi... Tough Days.... in Karachi... Along time ago in Karachi when I was about five to six years curfew was held in Karachi on that night , I went to go out night 9 or 10 PM O'clock for curd on my apartment shop but all the shops were close , There was Moiz Arcade nearby United apartment I go inside from that arcade and move to Darul-Salam Apartment side and buy curd when I back to home from inside that arcade a boy whose age is near about 14 to 16 years came with knife and snatch curd from my hand and some money which was in my hands  , that was my life 1st time snatching in Karachi , after few years ago when there was one family gathering in my home , I went to market for bread with my brother police chase the "Thief" (Dacoit) and open the fire which was just came to the tandoor side shop and bullet enter in a shelter ,We took bread and ran for home , that's was 1991 last or 1992 Jan time, then it was the time of 1993/1994  when

Trust Quote by Mohsin

“Don’t Trust Any One Just Trust Your Love Which You Chose millions in once Written By Mohsin

Love Quote By Mohsin

“Love is a Lethal Weapon use it cause the rest of world using destructive weapons , As New Era youth We are the change so We Must Need Love as weapon” Written By Mohsin

Greedy Quote by Mohsin

We live in a Greedy World , We are using each other but When we start using each other to appreciate New World Order would Change” Written By Mohsin

Mohsin Formulaties Quote

“Formalities make the Relationship Difficult , So Keep aside formalities & make your relation strong “ Written By Mohsin

Mohsin Quote

“The Person who don’t Think … It’s like a dead man .. so Think it before you consider Dead People” Written By Mohsin