~~**~~ My Point of View about Various thing in this world ~~*~~

I m quite Clear About All My Views No Doubt In It or there is nothing between my Views. 1st I do believe in Pakistan One Good Institute which Nation build in 65 years that's Our Army , and after that Media then somewhere Judiciary Stand also in Nation 2nd I believe No Once have Right to Declare any one "Treason of the Country" it's Judiciary who can do this, So If you Secular, Conservative, Centralist or whatever You can differ other view but can't declare Treason of the Country, and No One have right to declare the other person is Perfect Muslim or not It's God who can judge this. 3rd . Every section of the nation and every sect of the Muslim and other religion, I don't think want democracy or dictatorship they really want a perfect Justice system and a free atmosphere for everyone, in short every once would support Social Democratic Process 4th. We Need to Stand on One proper 10 to 20 Year policy about our big issues which concern from ...