What We Hand Over ?

This is the fact that human always is weak due to their dreams & wishes , because of that reason Human can do anything in this world but the greediness of human never goes down it’s always rise by the time how much a human have , They need more and more till death this process goes on . Due to this aspect when human get power on resources they try to snatch from others whose have other resources this is ongoing process till the world end, In Holy Book Quran Surah Asr is chapter number 103 “ By the time of the beloved (Prophet). Undoubtedly, man is necessarily in loss , But those who believed and did good deeds and stressed one another to accept truth and counseled one another to be steadfast. ” , Now we need to look and look around all over the world , We can see all the governments almost trying to capturing other countries resources at anyhow , at any cost ,In this world 206 Indep...