What We Hand Over ?

This is the fact that human always is weak due to their dreams & wishes  , because of that reason Human can do anything in this world  but the greediness  of human never goes down it’s always rise by the time how much a human have , They need more and more  till death this process goes on . Due to this aspect when human get power on resources they try to snatch from others whose have other resources this is ongoing process till the world end, In Holy Book Quran   Surah Asr is chapter number 103 By the time of the beloved (Prophet). Undoubtedly, man is necessarily in loss  , But those who believed and did good deeds and stressed one another to accept truth and counseled one another to be steadfast.” ,
Now we  need to look and look around all over the world , We can see all the governments  almost trying to capturing other countries resources  at anyhow , at any cost  ,In  this world 206 Independent  countries  and every once in a various war zone , some countries war by media, some countries playing proxies war and some are playing open war like Iraq,  Palestine, and others  and world powerful countries playing in other countries by their currencies by their people and by their communication devices .
Now we need to observe what we would transfer to our next generations the today world any place like a time bomb anywhere can explosion and mass destruction happen? We all playing not with our next generation life also we playing humanity,  those who said on media “We are trying to make world peaceful they are just playing the dirty game of war” and other side they believe on table talks and democracy , If war is the solution of anything so why every war ends on table talks ? When you believe on it so why don’t apply in all over the world? When European leaders and people said “No to Violence” so there is a cartoon Tom & Jerry which is all time favorite cartoon all around the world which was such violent but that generation didn’t pick that thing to do it , but when Wrestling  and fighting games came so then slowly Human behavior change ,and after violent movies ,documentaries create gradually impact towards violent that make any human violent “That’s true” , It’s up to you accept it or not.
I do believe there is no Religion in this world who promote violence and dirty games of war but we need to  stop somewhere and think about it ,where we do mistakes  and what’s the reason of our lives  and what would be we hand over to our next generation.
As Muslims ,In Our Holy Quran Book   Surah ASR is chapter number 103 By the time of the beloved (Prophet). Undoubtedly, man is necessarily in loss, but those who believed and did good deeds and stressed one another to accept truth and counseled one another to be steadfast.

feedback: marvelous.mohsin@hotmail.com


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