120 Days !!

After the historical Rigged election in Pakistan Govt is formed at any how most of posts keep with P.M Nawaz Shareef and others also give His own family members. People hoping a lot from them but they did worst in just 120 days according to media 250 Billions Dollar daily move from Pakistan but Government said "20 Companies" who left Pakistan they would back in Pakistan. If we see stock so ICI and Unilever left their shares from the market and those who working in stock last 66 years they said It's unpredictable how can Rupee devalue so much in some hours 5 Rs dollar rate increase in Stock which was shocked the nation after 3:00 O'clock State Bank intervention it's bit estable in Market but right now U.S $ 107 to 108 Rs. In P.I.A Senator Mushahidullah Brother Rashidullah was posted as cargo manageron Ninteen grade and give the promotion directly on22 grade. Now He is P.I.A D.G and more intresting thing this promotion would be apply from 2007 it's mean next year , He could be the chairman of P.I.A.
In Karachi Government announce Targeted Operation after APC & also decide to talk with 
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan but in start Operation going smoothly but after some how they arrested Naveed Hashmi MQM M.P.A in a police case F.I.R where police said the witness give His name to us  but after court and all the process happen so "They don't have any evidence" in court and He release after some days then Rangers conduct operation in Landhi Unit and enter in MQM sector office in morning 7:00 am and claim they caught Indian Weapon from that Office also did press conference and show to media that weapon the problem is that during operation specially a political party put their weapons in sector
office  or this Targeted  turn to Karachi Base Political Party "MQM" but more than one week no more updates came regarding this matter. A Big Silence from Agencies , Police and Rangers.

A aah ! Those who want to negotiate with Taliban on table talk APC also give the mandate to Elected Government this thing never happened in any other country who have majority they also need APC to take any decission.Critics said it's use full and some says it's useless if Army and Government on Page so don't need of it but after APC to till date terrorism increase very rapidly and the main Church blast happened last month.Punjab Taliban ready to talk Government but others deny it but problem is this we heard 17 groups of Taliban but now new information said almost Seventy nine groups nexus with Taliban in which twenty five groups ready to negotiate but Taliban demands are quite difficult task to  government because they said stop drones in Pakistan, Army back their bericks & Government start this war first government take steps towards stop it then we do but Taliban's also attacks on each other places cause of power game . This government seem more incompetent and confuse and seem like helpless in all matters.
This government make an other record in One year last government printed 5000 billion rs by statebank they did in 120 days and print 620 billions rs by Statebank. In matter of New Chief Justice , Chief Of Army Staff this Nawaz Shareef didn't announce yet in any one of them and COAS term would complete 27 of November and Pervaiz Rasheed said , He said COAS Pervaiz Kiyani hold additional Charge Chief of Naval Staff on temporary bases, Asif Sandhela whose retired yesterday.So we can say only one regime goes and new Political regime take over,but Pakistani Nation also need to make sure answerable the Government it's nation duty in a Democratic process.
Note: "Lt Gen Muhammad Haroon Aslam  quite possible would be the next Chief of Army Staff"



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