~~*~~ Politic Temperature ~~*~~

These days in Pakistan not in Pakistan even all over the world Political Temperature is quite high last year we saw "Arab Spring" and some critics write it's "Arab Revolution" but the fact of the matter is this after 1967 Bhutto,Shah Faysal ,Ghaddafi Era a new Generation involve in politics and want to basic change in their surrounding they fed up from that their political elite and with their political tactics .The new generation try to push them out from their political system and want to adjust in politics this is all of because social media quite active in last five to ten years which bring change in all over the world . But other side when we saw International Scenario that class resist against the youth till their last card but youth is quite enter in politics and trying to change for their basic rights first last three year changes happen all over the world but youth don't get results that much in their favor it's the first age for youth the...