
Showing posts from October 23, 2012

Cases Cases & Cases

Cases Cases and Cases There were lots of cases in Pakistan some famous cases Molvi Tarmzudeen case , Human Rights Case No. 19/1996, ,Case on Supreme Court Judges Case, Constitution Petition No. 15, 17-24 and 512 of 2002, Riba Case ,Civil Review Petition No. 103 of 2002 in Constitutional Petition No. 1 of 2002,Judgment on 17th Amendment and President's Uniform Case , Factor Belarus Tractor Limited's Case ,CORRUPTION IN HAJJ ARRANGEMENTS CASE SMC NO.24-2010 , NRO_REVIEW_CRP_129_DT18 04 2011 , PRESS RELEASE IN URDU (DR. ARSALAN IFTIKHAR'S CASE) and last Asgher Khan Case with due to Respect of Supreme all this cases regarding the Elite class of Pakistan , in which some cases regarding a common man interest in Asgher Khan Case lots of positive and negative stuff in it why Judiciary accept General Aslam Baig and Head of ISI (R) Assad Durrani their half statement if list is improper so why don't make judicial commission as PML (N) Shout for it somehow this part of your ...