Cases Cases & Cases
Cases Cases and Cases
There were lots of
cases in Pakistan some famous cases Molvi Tarmzudeen case , Human Rights Case
No. 19/1996, ,Case on Supreme Court Judges Case, Constitution Petition No. 15,
17-24 and 512 of 2002, Riba Case ,Civil Review Petition No. 103 of 2002 in Constitutional
Petition No. 1 of 2002,Judgment on 17th Amendment and President's Uniform Case
, Factor Belarus Tractor Limited's Case ,CORRUPTION IN HAJJ ARRANGEMENTS CASE
ARSALAN IFTIKHAR'S CASE) and last Asgher Khan Case with due to Respect of
Supreme all this cases regarding the Elite class of Pakistan , in which some
cases regarding a common man interest in Asgher Khan Case lots of positive and
negative stuff in it why Judiciary accept General Aslam Baig and Head of ISI
(R) Assad Durrani their half statement if list is improper so why don't make
judicial commission as PML (N) Shout for it somehow this part of your judge
order shows your flow
Towards PML (N) ,
which wouldn't be the good sign in General Public , I also have objection when
Judges again and again said
“we are trying to
keep democracy in Pakistan” , Sorry but it's not judiciary who protects the
democratic system that's not their work it's mean judges also goes outside of
their rule of buisness like in Asgher Khan Case General And General Asad
Durrani did in past. Judges responsibility to give the justice of a common man
and on national interest but can judges tell the nation where it's write
judiciary trying or support democracy??? Is there any example that Supreme
Court just not giving fairs enough decisions because they support Judiciary? If
General Aslam Baig & Assad Durrani found guilty due to rigging in elections
so then Judges also goes outside of their own boundaries yes that's judges
don't support any dictator that's enough for judges to support democracy and
stop violation of constitute but judges need to free for justice.
However our
society is quite strange to re-act, but due to you’re again and again statement
so how a common man could trust on judiciary system because in major two cases
Memo-Gate and N.R.O Supreme Court too much time to expand that cases
due to this reason
Pakistan lost the mid-term election chance. Only due to Supreme Court this
corrupt ever government complete
five years so how
many killing happened to completing five years of democracy Supreme Court is
also part of it at somehow.
This is the dilemma
on Asgher Khan case procedding happened in 7 days but on Balochistan and
Karachi target killing there would be no one inside jail and no one get
punishment on it.Every case behind a face so Nation expect too much
expectations from Judiciary in 2007 which Mr.Aitezaz singing the poems and
Mr.Kurd also motivate every one for Justice power system, now where they both hide?
Why they don't comment on Judges when they said we are trying to keep democracy
in Pakistan.If every Institute keep silent and people don't get result in
democracy so how long as Nation of Pakistan we would suffer any idea?
Those people illiterate
society grow slowly 65 years we lost and how many years we would lose? Why there
is no petition on one Education in Supreme Court, NO leader want one Education
system in all over Pakistan , In every constitutional amendment ever goes in
public favor ? Where democracy support by Army and Supreme Court and Agencies.
Can anyone tell
What’s democracy? "Democracy
means the power of nation" not the power of Army , ISI and Supreme Court.
Nations Stand On
Justice not on Democracy or dictatorship it doesn't matter.