Terrorism need Policy

Terrorism need Policy

After 2011 there is very long debate on Taliban on social websites & on Media lots of suggestion regarding how to control Taliban in short time  we saw in last 11 years but unfortunately still every one has different opinion and there is no consensus develop in all over the world about Terrorism .

In my short memory , I have some suggestion about to control Taliban at-least TTP . I m agree with it first we stopped drone attacks from U.S.A and sign a memo with ,If our policy fails so you continue the drones but gives us at-least 9 months to 1 year to control inside Pakistan,Our Army and Politicians talk with Taliban or those persons who support Taliban with local tribes and also sign a agreement between them , They don't support the terrorist at any how if they give us North South Waziristan , FATA & Parachanar peaceful and help us to control the terrorism the Government and Army support you 100% and give you all the rights but As Govt we wouldn't support you if there is any misunderstanding and operation would be happen in your local areas, Your kids and family is responsibility of us , your kids would take education
in army schools and in others schools which expense would bare by GOvt of Pakistan and after the joint Operation with Army and local people,in that time period Mobile jemer's used in these areas with help of NATO Aid & Pakistani Forces should adjust in these areas and then start the operation.
The Other option in my mind 1st we settled down the Siyachin and Sir-creek
territory or do a memorandum with India till the time we doing very hard operation till then forces should leave their position from that places or do a proper agreement or curtail our forces from one side of border
then that forces would be the back up of operation forces we can utilize them as well .
We need to take an initiative before it's too late and terrorism would expand more in Pakistan. I know my idea can be criticize or not applicable in some brains but it's my view as I follow the newspaper last 10 years almost.Before it's too late we need a stand because just Army Operations would not get the any solution.



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