Drone Attacks n Facts: Drone Attacks is one of mutual agreement between C.I.A and I.S.I according to that times of terms and conditions and 1st Drone attack in 2004 ,and after that time till 1-Nov-2013 now to 400 plus drone missiles attack in Northern Area like Waziristan , Data Kheyl, and others areas also effected from that.That issue is basically Intellegence agencies but when it's came out on media frequently so Politicians start take political stance on it and then gradually Politicians build the momentum against these drones attacks in Nation and once Imran Khan protest in Waziristan area . Last Friday in drone attack Hakeem ullah Mehsood passed which was involve in several sucide attacks in Pakistan and He also accept these attacks the main problem is this Govt of Pakistan going for table talk with them accordng to All Pakistan Conference , and this Issue also highlighted by Nawaz Shairf & M...