Drone Attacks n Facts

Drone Attacks n Facts:

      Drone Attacks is one of mutual agreement between C.I.A and I.S.I according to  that times of terms and conditions and 1st Drone attack in 2004 ,and after that time till 1-Nov-2013 now to 400 plus drone missiles attack in Northern Area like Waziristan , Data Kheyl, and others areas also effected from that.That issue is basically Intellegence agencies but when it's came out on media frequently so Politicians start take political stance on it and then gradually Politicians build the momentum against these drones  attacks in Nation and once Imran Khan protest in Waziristan area .
Last Friday in drone attack Hakeem ullah Mehsood passed which was involve in several sucide attacks in Pakistan and He also accept  these attacks the main problem is this Govt of Pakistan going for table talk with them accordng to All Pakistan Conference , and this Issue also highlighted  by Nawaz Shairf &  Malala Yousuf Zai in U.N General Assembly raise this point of view it's against our Sovernity. At some how it's true but fact of the matter is this that Pakistan Govt not exist their and it's open  place where Pakistani Govt trying to recapturing that place but these days it's totally under control with T.T.P (Tehreek-e-Taliban)Pakistan they are (Duta Kheyl) it's the place of where Hakeem ullah Mehsuud residency .. The Largest attack on C.I.A in houst  Jordanian Dr Khan Bilaawi where 700 security persons killed 30-Dec-2009 , after that Hakeem ullah Mehsood release video with that person after that U.S Admin put Head Money on Hakeem ullah Mehsood and He was the most lethal Enemy of Army.
There is no doubt in which Pakistani Taliban eliminate by Agencies due to drones they died,In whole world always fight fight talk talk and Army is not sure that this table talk would be useful but they think there is some relief for civilians.All over the world there is always weapon ready during table talk and Chief of Army Staff said "Terrorism is the Pakistan life n death matter".Internation Institute Amnesty Inernational report says "900 Civilians", The Bureau of Investigative Journalism report 2008-103"300 Civilians casualties",New America Foundation report says "185 Civilians",Associated Press 2010-2012 in 18 months "56",This matter most sensation when Defence Minister 66 Civilians passed away , but foriegn Minister protest against that report because they told in U.N 408 Civilian Casualties , but Intresting thing is this that Rana-Sanaullah Said "Hakeem ullah Mehsood"is Pakistan and U.S Enemy also but some days before Rana Sanaullah said "That We pointing the Targets for drones".London Economics 19-Oct Drone Over Pakistan also code some things related to it.
But This is really tragedic that one side Malala's got fame and name after attack on her but the other side Nabeela's who recently injured in a drone attack and Her grandmother passed away,don't get any attention like that which I also feel  it's injustice but other positive side is this atleast. She also went to U.S and raise Her voice against drone attack and her one question make cry U.S Journalist when she said "What's was my Grandmother Mistake?" and why she has been killed in drone  attack. In Last we need to review our policy on drone attacks and get rid off as soon as possible otherwise History would keep our this era like Banana Republic Country.If we want to give better future we need to stop and start re-thinking on it. Otherwis Pervaiz Kiyani Words keep remember in your mind that terrorism "It's the matter of Pakistan Life and Death".
Written by: Mohsin Ali
Contact: marvelous.mohsin@hotmail.com


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