Introduction: Today , I m am going to introduce a " Pakistani female Engineer , CEO & Co-Founder (Ecode)Technical Consultant (Nano Tech)" company , usually we hardly saw females as in business field as compare to job , In Pakistan females don’t consider for Engineering (Technology) side but she is the example for upcoming Engineering students especially for females . “Ms.Sarwat Muzzamil” Q) As`salam-0-alaikum how are you? Nice to see a passionate female in front of me for interview Ans: Sarwat Muzzamil :Walaikum us salam I am good as always, thanks . Q) Introduce yourself? A): My name is Sarwat Muzammil from E code pvt limited. And I am basically a technologist. I have done my Bachelor of Technology and the honours is continued. Carry on your interview. What do you want to ask? Q) I never s...