"Interview with Sarwat Muzzamil" taken By Rimsha Shahid (Edit by Mr.Mohsin Ali)

                      Today , I m am going to introduce  a "Pakistani  female Engineer , CEO & Co-Founder (Ecode)Technical Consultant (Nano Tech)"company , usually we hardly saw females as in business field as compare to job , In Pakistan females don’t consider for Engineering (Technology) side but she is the  example for upcoming Engineering students especially for females . “Ms.Sarwat Muzzamil”

Q) As`salam-0-alaikum how are you? Nice to see a passionate female in front of me for interview
Ans: Sarwat Muzzamil :Walaikum us salam I am good as always, thanks  .

Q)  Introduce yourself?
A): My name is Sarwat Muzammil from E code pvt limited. And I am basically a technologist. I have done my Bachelor of Technology and the honours is continued. Carry on your interview. What do you want to ask?

Q) I never see Female Engineer, so it’s your aim since childhood, like our Country females in Doctor, Marketing side and others how you choose Engineering?
A): I have electronics background; my family background is related to electronics. With the time goes up my father asked me what you want to be. So I said to him I want to be a doctor. Actually he is a homoeopathic doctor.
Q) So, how you came in engineering field it’s accidental? , usually girls don’t think about this field?
A): When my father knows about that I want to became a doctor so he explained as well guide me when I grew up then he realized me you wouldn't get return back, for doctor we would need a lot of resources to make you a doctor, then he ask me to join the workshop of my uncle, I said that time, “I never thought of becoming an engineer or electronic engineer”.

Q) Did you join Uncle Workshop easily? Or take some time to enter in this field , in Pakistan and rest of world whenever Engineer so always  first click a Man.
A): Oh Yes, My father give his words, I give you the platform and would help you, on his recommendation I enter in this field.
Q) What’s about Your Education?
A): Yes, I have done my Metric from technical boards, Inter from Got polytechnic Institute for women, did a certificate course from Sindh Board Technical Education and my Bachelor of Technology and the honours continued.
Q) How in this misogynist society you did it, how you faced it?
A): Quite Frankly , Nobody can think of it that a girl belonging to such a family background would come into this field , also struggle in this field and come to this level, run my business; in our social bonding you are making a girl business work ,but my father never made realize this. I never think in that way. In Electronic field where female have very little margin of getting it. He is 1 or 2% you can find it easily in Karachi the Economic Hub of Pakistan. My Father give me full protection and gradually I adjusted in atmosphere.

Q) Which time period you actually start work in this field?
A): In the time of metric result waiting period, I start work in my Uncle Workshop as trainee use to work CPU, troubleshooting, partitions made in hardware installation etc.
Q) In your career some one stop you, did you experience that sort of people around you?
If you want to share for our readers.
A): Definitely ,I would like to share but I am partially agree because  when I was in TTC institute so in our batch , I was the only girl, then a teacher came to me and tried convince  me, why you going in electronics? It’s such boring field especially for girls you can chose other departs for your career but I said to her, I am interested in hardware, He said we teach you about peripherals, which I already know about it , so I said , “I saw you’re your course I already know about this, After that He took me in Principle office and tell these things about me , then Principle offer me you will have to study alone as you’re single student. I agree on it because of it I had full attention of my teacher. That’s how I complete my 6 months course and that girls can’t do electronic may be in abroad they could but here it’s not possible so all this give me a push with time , I realized everything is possible just need sincerity but I dropped the course unfortunately then did three years DAE (Electronics).

Q) What was your life turning point?
I designed first time on a computer, our amplifier. He made me make the whole design and make circuits and soldiering of the wires, the box and everything. I executed it myself, under his supervision. This boosted my confidence a lot. And I was a very ordinary student so I was recognized by my teachers through this. That was my life’s U turn. That was a “Wow” factor and I ran to my father and hugged him with tears in my eyes. That was the glorious moment of my life.
Q) Did you ever do job was with reference or how? Or just work in workshop then start your own business?
A): Off course! I did job but it’s like a whole scene, let me; tell you!
I was very good with practicals not with theory. Second year vivas the instructor saw something unique in me and asked my teacher for feedback and wanted me to intern at her organization with the rest of the third year students. The teacher said she couldn’t allow a second year student as this would affect my studies and courses and the instructor talked to me personally offered a job and that was a surprising moment I am excited but I don’t think I’ll get the permission and hence she went to talk to my dad and saw the workshop that I used to work in. The teacher met him and convinced him. The company I was offered from was, Mobile Zone. My father agrees that was another surprise for me.

Q) Then a Question rises in my mind what happened with your diploma?
A): Oh Yes! After 4 months , I left the job and Continue my diploma gave combine papers together and failed ,would you believe I complete three years diploma in six years  but I never give up and work on my target which I had set for myself.

Q) Who is your ideal or you don’t believe in it?
A): I told you due to my father, I am here in front of you so my Father is my “King” and “Ideal” my inspiration so I always trust his words.

Q) In particular did you have sales or marketing experience? How important was it or a lack of it to start your company?
A): No I have studied the technical side and it has not caused any issues up till now.

Q) When, under what circumstances & from whom did you become interested in entrepreneurship & learn some of the critical lessons?
A): I got interested the moment I stepped into the exhibition, seeing how well it was executed and how other companies displayed their products. I Knew it was the best chance to do something that I always dreamed of doing.
Q) How much capital did it take? How long did it take to reach a positive cash flow & break-even sales volume? If you did not have enough money at the time, what were some ways in which you bootstrapped the venture (bartering, borrowing & the like)?
A):  I took loans and borrowed money to get through to buy the raw materials for my products.

Q) Tell me about the pressures & crisis during that early survival period.
A): I just wanted 100% input from my team and I didn't get that. That was the only issue I faced.

Q) What outside help did you get? Did you have experienced advisor, Lawyers, Accountants and Tax experts etc? How did you develop these networks & how long did it take?
A): I only seek help during my second year project from a professional electronic engineer as my model was not working but in turn he couldn't fix the mess I created either.

Q) How did any outside advisor make a difference in your company?
A): He advised me to take the non-working model to the college and got first prize in the institution because I didn't give up on it.

Q) What was your family situation at the time?
A): My family has always been supportive. I have recently realized how our society doesn’t approve women to working like I am but my parents protected me from all that during my whole life.
Q) What did you perceive to be the strengths of your venture, Weaknesses?
A): As I said before, not giving up and hard work.
Q) Did you want to have partners or does it solo? Why?
A): Solo. Because nobody can think like me and I cannot think like somebody else.

Q) Describe how you decided to create a job by starting your venture instead of taking a job with someone else?
A): I was done with doing jobs and wanted to do something very different.

Q) How did you spot the opportunity? How did it surface?
A): I already answered this, the exhibition.

Q) What were your goals? What were your life style needs or other personal requirements? How did you fit these together?
A): It has been my work since the beginning.

Q) How did you evaluate the opportunity in terms of critical elements for success?
The Competition in market, did you have specific criteria you wanted to meet?
A): Not really. I just wanted to learn and experience new things.

Q) Did you find or have partners? What kind of planning did you do? What kind of financing did you have?
A): No I never had partners, I have had mentors. My brother helped me a lot but no official partner and my finance was what I earned through my jobs.

Q) Did you have a start-up business plan of any kind? Please tell me about it.
A): No, I never had it.

Q) How much time did it take from conception to the first day of business? How many hours a day did you spend working on it?
A):  A year. I worked round the clock, not eating or sleeping.

Q) How you motivate to Upcoming Engineers and specially female engineers  ? what's the scope of it ?
A) I can say my story would definitely motivate Upcoming Engineering Students as well as females , Scope I 

    believe whatever your field you need to confidence on it and keep hardworking , I like this line      
      "Your  Confidence is your Success"

Q) How did your family support you in initial venture creation? In managing the business, in running finance? Acquiring managerial skills?
A): My father has been a great support. My uncle taught me all the technical stuff and my brother has been my right hand.

Growth: (once you got going)
·         In terms of the future, do you plan to harvest (sell)? To maintain? To expand?
Answer: I would love to expand at the moment.
·         In your ideal world how many days a year would you want to work? Please explain
Answer: All the days in a year would be less.
·         Do you plan ever to retire? Would you explain?
Answer: I have just started at the moment so no.
·         Have your goals changed? Have you met them?
Answer: Yes, I have met my goals and no they have no changed up till now.
·         Has your family situation changed?
Answer: Thanks to god, no, they are still as supporting as ever.
·         What do you learn from both success & failure?
Answer: That you’ll get to the point you always wanted to reach, just don’t give up.
·         Can you describe a venture that did not work out for you & how did this prepared you for your next venture?
Answer: Up till that has not happened but I am pretty sure it might happen in the near future, I’ll answer your question then.
·         What do you consider your most valuable asset, the thing that enabled you to make it?
Answer: My parents.
·         If you had it to do over again, would you it again in the same way?
Answer: Obviously.
·         As you look back what do you believe are the most critical concepts, elaborate a bit. 


 By :  Rimsha Shahid
(Editingby: Mr.Mohsin Ali)


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