About Drone Attacks (Summarised & Translated "Babar Awan Article" )

Summarised "Babar Awan Article" About Drone Attacks. In Last year start A Yemeni American Citizen "Anweralawlati" Case story light s What else happened Babar Awan write in Urdu, that verified by International Crises group policy report in (247).Dated:21-05-2013.This Group headquarter is Belgium City. It’s has only one point agenda International wars & Civilizations conflict stopped. I don’t feel ashamed they did brave job on Pakistan inside drone attacks. They don't have any Pakistani Umbrella and any rewards from Pakistan. Case didn't pick up seriously on International platforms. As we all know this work is Political leadership not Army. Bush to Obama administrator without any legal basis declares its right. This is also fact famous Lawyers and Constitute experts as compare to U.S.A they support Pakistan on legal bases openly. From American administrator they trying to find cause U.N.O charter 51 articles. Its own sprit shaping tha...