About Drone Attacks (Summarised & Translated "Babar Awan Article" )

Summarised "Babar Awan Article"
About Drone Attacks.

In Last year start A Yemeni American Citizen "Anweralawlati" Case story light
What else happened Babar Awan write in Urdu, that verified by International Crises group policy
report in (247).Dated:21-05-2013.This Group headquarter is Belgium City. It’s has only one
point agenda International wars & Civilizations conflict stopped. I don’t feel ashamed they
did brave job on Pakistan inside drone attacks. They don't have any Pakistani Umbrella and any
rewards from Pakistan. Case didn't pick up seriously on International platforms. As we all know
this work is Political leadership not Army. Bush to Obama administrator without any legal basis declares its right. This is also fact famous Lawyers and Constitute experts as compare to U.S.A they support Pakistan on legal bases openly. From American administrator they trying to find cause U.N.O charter 51 articles. Its own sprit shaping that save you empowerment Ideology as well as the same article clause 2 section 4 saying using of power banned. Customary International just for Arm Forces gives empowerment. In all constitutional necessary is this both countries announced war or accepted armed conflict.
This time Pakistan & American states between no armed situation and even not announced war going on. For that reason Pakistani land has no U.N charter and there is no cause and even drone not allowed to them. Drone Attacks cause the biggest lawyer President Obama former advisor for Counter terrorism Director C.I.A Johnen Burnen.According to him U.S domestic law drone attacks are legal. Johnen Burnen this view in 18 September 2001 from U.S congress "AUMF" law backup support. But Human rights Organizations and including U.S lawyer’s constitutional experts never seen this law with favorable eyes. United Nation's special report for "Extra Judiciary & Extra constitutional murder "Mr.Christohens
 is one of the constitutional experts whose did open critics on U.S Ideology target killing. In this prospectus Pakistan Case so strong because U.S land's drone attack after one sided Air Survey
under armed attack anyhow it's lose legal cause.
Against Pakistan Drone attacks International Humanitarian law) aspect is also thoughtful. International conflict ideology's additional protocol number 2 clears this that whoever attacks should be organized and able to identify group. From that reference International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) in March 2008 release an opinion paper. They give following Law view "Just Ideology is common in various groups its non international armed conflict "NIAC" can't be under it”. Today Pakistan Case present with hard heart say this if drone attacks again International opinion provoke and organize but our foreign office  Political flood. It’s has various examples In 2012 Ben Emerson whose worked  in United Nation Human rights safety and constitutional and basics rights special reporter. He talked with argue in United Nation General Assembly, Human Rights Council & High Commissioner office of Human rights announce  start process to stop drone attacks for free investigation due to Pakistan not didn't take any interest so Ben Emerson are still struggles useless.
Emerson show His plan to go Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia & Palestine he captured 25 drone attacks pictures, Forensic & witness lights present, He would lead that investigation this year in the month of October He would be submit in United Nation General assembly. In front of world our self respect, Sovereignty and drone attacks create problems consist own Case in a better way on best platform. Here it's also necessary FATA nation problems are so many except this first of all National level Institutes they don't have right to reach their before that we must need to take step for it. In FATA there is no institute working insurgency is there ,in FATA rich are save and all poor are easy target for law n forces.
”Babar Awan announce He is ready to fight for drone attacks on its own expense if this government concern him”.
He would do for Pakistan. Every this sort of struggle Pakistan make stronger. The second example United Nation lots of members said openly American done attacks are not under armed conflict law but it's illegal. For that International Human Rights Law would be move. In Pakistan Case International Human Rights Law active due to these reasons.
The first once it’s Freedom of human International law but there drones happen air of fear and pathetic noise of drone intelligence often fly. Due to this reason that place kids & mothers are bound in homes with their born babies create mentally problem for them whose International Human Rights open violation.
Whose don't know the second reason the UN armed grandfathers, grandmothers, ladies, kids and even wedding guests also under attack in it.
Last one is Pakistan Stability’s Sovereignty institutes said more than one time openly give their view that it’s parliament and elected members work because constitutionally Arm Forces and Government Institutes are only responsible to follow the government policy and they are not policy makers.

Translated & Summarized by
Mohsin Ali


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