Mind always Change

Mind always Change

I would like to  tell my readers this fact according to this  quote“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

In my early age when I was under fourteen so , quite seriously I don't like Pakistan and Muslims dress shlwar kmeez  on that time my view was this Shlwar Kameez
wear people are always captured due to drugs or weapons and I don't like Pakistan cause the people of Pakistan never except change easily even I said to my Mom
for me fry cockroach , some thing which was really stupid in my mind they matter of this to tell you people that in early age your choices and think change
when you grow up and meet various people so your mind start change and you like different sort of stuff ,It's Human nature thousands of year  but these days
on Malala Issue the reason which was given by TTP spokesperson gave it in media was totally crap cause the people like them live with their own thoughts and
don't except the changes of world  but the other side of Our Moulvi's also non-serious about attack on her , The thing which happen wrong say it wrong wherever
it's happen the problem is this that little kid "Malala" Recognize International world 1st then Our Government give Her Pride unfortunately that's our historical
habit , you can compare this when Our Artist work here they don't have appreciation and pride in Industry but when they work outside of Pakistan then Pakistani
fan following increase of that Artist , In Malala Case British & western world explore her and give her valuable Pride that's why Media creating that hype.
Because She get International Exposure in early age which not digest by our Moulvi's and  one portion of Civilian's that's why we are facing extremism in both sides
I don't know why we always get the conspiracy in every matter , and Other Side USA try to force Operation In Waziristan try to take advantage of it. But what's
the fault of that little 14 age "Angel of Peace Malala" whose even say no for security cause She anti against weapon.

In Past History when Sir Syed Ahmed said to the nation English language necessary for Muslims as well so One part of nation also against them this is the confuse sort of behavior in this region
before Pakistan but at the end Moulvi's also agree after his death that Enlish language necessary now you can find the madarsa's where English is also include
in madarsa's  , I think our leaders and social activist need to play the key role and make the brain strong the nation can easily except the changes globally
if we didn't do this asap so we would be always divided and extremism would be increase and we would enter never ending war.
 My request is this kindly if
"You can't give respect anyone so you have no right to insult some one".



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