Excuse me ....!!

         These days Pakistan Newspaper get Headlines from Three Government Institute Head Statement First of all CJP Iftikhar Chaudary, President/PM House third Army Of Chief Statement 22 November Chief of Army Mr.Kiyani said "There is no need of Army Operation in Karachi and Rangers do his job better way" .In last two months media and public generally discuss this but where is nation between their statements?

No questions or price hike in on which ratio no one is answerable in that manner , no one take responsibility of any issue everyone is busy in blame game from Karachi to Khyber  and Lahore to Peshawar every one came on media like ,He can resolve all the matters and show his/her party as problem solver everyone give suggestions and discuss but any one go one step forward on any matter because every one answer is we are in the process to know our define constitutional position, It's Judiciary, Army and Political parties evolution period so give them some time .

It's very strange that evolution period on the basis of innocent Pakistani death bodies which we daily get just in Karachi more then 2000
people killed by various reason in Karachi but fact is this all stake holders of this Country evolution process specially Karachi people paid the higher price of their death bodies in last Ten months more than two thousand rest in peace , if they are so immature so why they sit on their seats. Are they competent for it?

Answer is quite simple a big "No" then why they don't change the commands means a common man survive due to their evolution process , if their behavior and attitude are not democratic why they call themselves democratic forces. I don't think so When Pakistan was made that much death bodies seem our elders which we saw in last five years , Democratic years of Government or Death Years  not just inform of Bodies also financial crises when this government taking oath so people was saying to me in this government Dollar rate would be 102Rs when this government would be over and I was said let's see  but when next care taker government would came so they paid IMF payment so rate would be more down ,if they complete three months so 102Rs Dollar rate would be touch.
It's all scenario make more terrible for Pakistani nation and there is another theory regarding Presidential office that MQM and PPP would submit dual nation bill in parliament and if Judiciary rift with Mr.Zardari so He would leave the presidential office ,if other political parties came on one agenda to remove him and Chief of army would be on same page but before leaving MQM Chairman Altaf Hussain would sit on that seat that's why MQM support dual national bill in both houses and give the reason last 28 years ,He didn't take any seat for himself due to this aspect He has right to sit on presidential seat and other parties behind the scene support him as president and other side they just want to Mr.Altaf Hussain in Pakistan to open the cases against him and try to stop MQM in other areas of Pakistan and stop MQM inside Sindh just
But nobody can said anything about next year political game how it would be set because in Pakistan you can expect anything in Pakistan hope we would get all the answers if elections happened on time and what would be the alliance make after elections, There is very narrow hope line for the nation now it's Nation who can change the scenario if they highly participate in election and use their vote power.



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