~~ Every Hour Scenario Change ~~

God (ALLAH SWT) said "Share whatever you have I give you twice to you"

But in Pakistan every hour things created  very rapidly  , I think there is no country in the world where so many things happen in every hour and goes to very complicated situation since last night to 18:30 today
Our Country seem like a bus is very close  falling down from high mountain and not in National Political, Economical, Law & Order all kind of things  are in quite worst situation and so many small protests happen against Govt . The main problem of all this factor is this God said "Share whatever you have I give you twice to you" so this government don't share the power with people by local bodies and give  their some sort of  basic fundamental rights but this government busy confrontation because this political elite came on behalf of and International based N.R.O (National Reconciliation Order) , due to this factor in our army and other institutes those who don't want to see them they try to create hurdles for this government due to this aspect they have no policy regarding anything so they focus how to make more money due to this agenda our 1st Prime Minister of this democratic Mr.Yusuf Raza Gillani who don't have NTN number before taking oath of PM and after that since now there all family involve in it .When they ever goes on hard situation they create pathetic situation between all the institutes and nation goes on big depression that when they seem things not goes in favor they gain time due to confrontation and then take one step back. We saw this game last five years now there is strange situation where Army & Judiciary give time to complete their first ever democratic period but politicians trying for any sort of adventurism that's why so many news in the air someone says technocrats, army can came some say extension for this government but when  a common man see so in Supreme Court verdicts words "There is no government in Sindh & Baluchistan " before elections no rumors are about various people for caretaker government N-League is start playing his card one on  Kargill issues on these days when India & Pak Army "LOC" quite in Peak in International media on that time they trying to attack on Musharraf and stop him for participating in Elections but their this political card make Pak Army image bad in international Scenario which can create for next government who ever win these elections if Politicians don't trust on Chief of army statement so how can people trust on their politicians  and then Politicians said "Journalist , Generals  make abuse Politics on the name of accountability" but this is very strange argument only people can do accountability so then why we make Judiciary system ? Only for poor people???  Even in Our Politics quite of educated people say this thing and a common man thinking Am I mad? or they ?
Before elections , Protest for Election commission matters and things but every party is contributing to create more panic for elections and other side PTI  just keep wait & watch policy this thing show where all parties create strange sort of politics where PTI show the maturity and democratic sign from their side ,other story in Pakistan NAB vs Supreme Court and Supreme Court Vs Government Vs PML N , means PPP both hands busy in fighting but other side where Nawaz Sharif (PML-N) is quite but Ch. Nisar doing press conferences  for Kargill Issues but the other side which is totally neglected this time period is a common man Pakistani nation they think , If all things old topics would determine this time period so when they get fruit of democracy thousands of people are quite angry with all provinces government and President  Co-Chairman Mr.Asif Ali Zardari is also create more tension because a common man was thinking last month of government they would get something from their mouth but still death is dancing on Karachi to Lahore , Lahore To Kheyber and Khyber to Baluchistan things are -0,-2-3-4 ratio like this and nation is quite and watching but is nation waiting for elections for their revenge or silently big thing would happen ,as wise people said after long silence there is huge  storm in sea . So there is big silence from Public is it any big storm  this government share deaths , grief’s , tears with nation and take money from their pocket as I start with this line God (ALLAH SWT) said "Share whatever you have I give you twice to you" , things goes towards that side silently think about it twice.

written by : Mohsin Ali



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