Article Six and Secular, Liberalism or Islamic?

Article Six and Secular, Liberalism or Islamic?

                                                                                                                  This is very strange sort of Journalists who hit the target one personality and criticized in their columns and try to find the way for success and , they support democracy and don't support dictatorship but unfortunately in Pakistan, During dictatorship a common man strong as compare to democratic period, Now these days in Pakistan Former President General Pervaiz Musharraf in courts regarding 2007 emergency in country  but reality is that Criminal is criminal if a person do crime always called a criminal if Pevaiz Musharraf is criminal according to our "So  called Islamic Republic Pakistan" Constitute but in this constitute also Governors and President have immunity for a period, so how much hypocrite we are "Islamic Republic Country”, those who said they accept this law and it's all clause so it's stupidity if  "Islamic Republic Country" so Interest on loans, or mark up on banking sector on approx any sort of transaction. In that same Pakistan where so many Islamic political parties present lots of people but they never raise their voice on article 248 which give immunity to the President and Governors of Pakistan. It would be very ridiculous if you want to give a punishment on article six only one person and said in one-liner statement that Current Chief of Army Staff and Current Supreme Court Chief Justice were not the guarantied, those who saying that in 2007 on roads Chief Justice of Pakistan clear himself. So sorry people Former President Pervaiz Musharraf also clear himself to give you democracy which your sort of people said "Any Sort of Democracy is Ten Times better then dictatorship”, this past democratic give lots of hurdle and panic for a common man. I would like to add one more thing that if an Army Chief impose martial law so article six and some people explain the punishment of article six on media but those who blackmailing the government media houses, those who didn't stop criminals, and those who supported dictatorship all they clear because their relation with democratic "limited companies" or "political parties" why article six is apply on just one person in Pakistan?How many generals are in between them who don't fulfill their oath even our politicians promise peace, justice and jobs are they accountable ? and who would do their accountability ? In Pakistan we are playing these days cases game where no political leader get proper punishment but our former PM Mr.Nawaz Sharif promise ,If His government came so He would prosecute proper case on Pervaiz Mushsharraf ? but when PM was Nawaz Shairf and they attack on Supreme Court then who would open that case ?and give punish for those who attack on Pakistani Institute this question would be always remain a question?
Now we talk some liberal, Islamist and Secular stuff this war is also start on media and in the society of Pakistan actually when we right "Islamic Republic of Pakistan", I feel we says “Biggest Lie with us" cause there is nothing according to Islam, even when we said Liberal Pakistan or secular Pakistan so we again says "A big lie" with our generation, actually this is a Muslim State that's I believe where Muslim practice easily that was Quaid e Azam said. But how much we know Allama Iqbal and Quaide-e- Azam, I think not more than Javed Iqbal, because He is the son of Allama Iqbal where He said "Secular Pakistan" was the vision but unfortunately in 65 years we don't clear our generation various people various believe but I think when  our Institutes give Peace and Justice to every Pakistani so I think that's True Pakistan which they want to see and might be  our assembly and Courts decide this but if nation not accept their theories about Pakistan and go to destroy them so a civil war can be happen . My request to all tries to give peace and justice just and give the nation to take breath.Hope this nation find a way.


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