It's End Or Beginning of New Era.

It's End Or Beginning of New Era.

                          This is very sad news for our nation there is no prominent leader
who can face International termoil which we are facing as compare to Irani President Ahemdi
Najad said "U.S.A want to divide Pakistan and secterian violence in Muslim Countries", but
Our leader not take the name of open enemies they hide in their drawing rooms but the matter
of fact is that Taliban create a major division in Pakistan after releasing their video on
media where they clearly said "Their Target would be PPP,MQM & ANP" and those who thought they
would get the fruit after this , so that's their wrong approach because Taliban confuse ,Taliban
did attack on right forces too in Pakistan in recently april Jamat-e-Islami the right wing
party was the target  but no leader want to face the challenges of International term oil
which is slowly turning towards Pakistan.In Islamabad lots of people confirmed that
Nawaz Sharif would be the next Prime Minister because , He is the leader of main stream right
wing party according to U.S.A He can play with U.S.A bat easily because if again liberal or Secular
forces win the elections so Pakistan can face the revolution like Arab Spring that's why U.S.A chose
this way to get rid of Pakistan from that situtaion for their Own interest,but things are settle
for long term and Our columnist and Journalist telling the nation one year or two year situation,
When We talk about Pakistan it's always be a great game with old International establishments and Diplomats,which we can see in Pervaiz Musharraf and Nawaz Sharif Case when they cover some one and when they leave some one so what happen  with them.In current Scenario Iran and Turkey role increasing day by day .
Pakistan has only one card for play which is Afghanistan Pakistan is major stake holder in this but
Our Establishment after ridiculing by His Own people and International media got that card and peace
talk start with T.T (Tehreek e Taliban) and International community agree COAS Pervaiz Kiyani Strategy
but the new change in all this game that U.S.A deal with Nawaz Sharif and President Zardari that all
NATO stuff would be back again from Pakistan to U.S.A which would be create really dangerous situation.
In Afghanistan Establishment agree to talk with them but due to Our Poltical lackness there is one
pathetic solution which I have I want to share if all Nation across Pakistan Youth together and
give pressure to Chief of Army Staff that We as Youth  . Army should announce we need youth which's only from have civilian background we are ready to fight with those terrorism , If they can do blast in our areas
so why we can trained and do this on that area fight with their own game rules and civilian need to
eight to ten months and then fight begin with TTP (Tehreek-e-Taliban) open and lethal fight then they
would get on back feat and then we can negotiate them , It's my view it can be wrong but how long we suffer Chief of Army Staff Pervaiz Kiyani ?? How Long ? In one talk with Journalist You said "Eight years would take to control that terrorism" why not 2 years if we lost already 70,000 people of nation,We need to get rid off this election would be create big change or big destruction but Is our political leader have will ??
We can hope for better  and pray for better change can happen accident create histories and nation known
how they learn from accident.
Is that new era start or ?? Al-Hafeez-Al-Amaan .
Written By Mohsin-Ali


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