Who am I ? My Experience

My Experience in Jobs...

Who Am I?
You read my blogs since 2012 but you people doesn't know about my personal life so, I would like to share my life with you, I belong to mid-Yorker family.I am Mohsin Ali was born in 31-05-1984, my full name Mohsin Akber Ali Khan, In School starting years KG Classes I was good in studies gradually my interest is not in studies and in 6th class,I jumped class I to class III, but my confidence level shake due to class jumped, I was such shy can’t talk with my Aunt’s even but in class III . I go to school 1st day and sit on last bench and don’t talk with anyone but Ms.Rahat took a decision she put me in front seat with two girls Sommi, and another girl, Sommi was the 1st who start talk with me where my confidence level build again slowly after three years, I am able to talk with any person but still didn’t face my families females and strange females but after sometime I was so talkative and my shyness goes on end. In my school life  I was fond of hockey cause Pakistan had good name in Hockey on those years but when Pakistan lost 1994 or 1996 world cup then , I tried to enter in hockey as profession I went to UBL complex where my test taken and I passed because in 10 goals I stop 8 goals, A man came towards me and give me that good news you selected  came next week then training would be start but when me and my friend go there , Someone else was selected cause of reference after that day I left to play any sports but sometime I played cricket , I m just normal in cricket not so good not too bad my younger friend Ashad teach me spin bowling then I was good bowler on that time in my team .
I start job in class VI  for my sake cause I don't like people of my age and don't have friends so many because I don't like to insulting and always joking while sit with friends , then I decide to do job in a Chemist which was near my home I gave my all time almost there and after 5 years, I leave that Chemist due to that Owner always telling His own goodness again and again, which fed up me , I slowly cut off from him and due to His reference I got my 1st proper job in a stitching factory Sana Stitch on Goadra Camp, where my salary was 3,000 Rs and my nature of work was cropping but in 4 months they promote me in Machine as framer and helper, but my behavior and language was awkward day by day that was made the reason my family put pressure  on me and finally I left that factory work and start work with my net friend bro in law clinic 3 years almost then my net sister give me the chance to work in Agha Khan University  & Hospital as Volunteer where I was Assistant secretary in nursing department office under Shaheena Bhatti and Karim Punjwani then once again luck give me chance from the reference of my cousin reference I got job in Pizza Hut Head office as Data Operator where again my Salary 4,000 Rs, after three months my internship complete there and Operational Head switch me into call centre of Pizza Hut where I did work 6 Months on contract but due to immediate boss,Ajay Solanki I gave resigned from there ,after one month My Sister reference once again I got job in FM-107 (APNAKARACHI-107),as Asst.cts where my job Commercial tracking everything goes quite smoothly but due to my freely attitude with females .One girl defame me and I got resigned from that office unfortunately ,then once again my sister reference work and I got job in Indus Tv as petty cashier but when salary increment time came there ,I screw with Ayesha who was that time H.R manager there just cause of One permanent marker cause ,Boss strict restrictions you don't give any single penny to anyone except production but she fight me , I clear her and show that paper which the Owner (Ghanzar Sir) write and signed that orders but she take it personally and I got fired from there and they didn't give my salary and next day was Eid-ul-Azha.
After Eid I got job in APNA TV channel in which starting I try to keen and focus on my work
but when MD and His brother asked me where you want to go , I clearly said my mind is on news .I want to work in news side but they promise they would change my department after three months but they didn't do then they promise us about salary increment but after 1 year 10 months they didn't do but when my father got accident then I got Two thousand rupees increment, but they promised me when I start that job after 3 months your salary would be 10,000 again don't worry but it doesn't happened. After almost three year they promise increase my salary 3,000 Rupees, but they keep broking their promise and increase only 2250 Rupees only. These all thing
ruin me inside and I still try to focus my work but it's hardly happen. That's all about my life


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