Commission Report Drama

Commission Report.
      There is lots of dramas stuff in our society not these days these dramas with Pakistan   from beginning like Liuaqat Ali Khan Murder Case, after that Fatima Jinnah death Case, 1971 war and  last Mehmood-ul-Rehman  commission now finally we got Abbotabad Commission report but this is such ridicule that report leak from Supreme Court and Al-Jazeera TV break it and this report sold in 15000 $ but one page is missing which would be also sold in some days in more that money hopefully , and Our Federal Interior Minister said "We made committee on it and whoever did this would get punish”, but according to well informed personalities said "This report was completed in Jan and after that to last Sunday this news is under the commission but the main thing in this report (page 197) missed in it. In this report Ahmed Shuja Pasha said "That Drone is in our favor in start it’s useful for us but after a period it's start damaging us ,we tried our best to stop drone attacks but according to Pakistan law it's illegal ,U.S law it's legal. This is most weird sort of Commission report where Justice Iqbal Javed said every once know the name of them we don't have rights to accuse someone but this is unfortunately the biggest ever "Nation Damage".All the Institutes need to say "Sorry to the Nation”. When you read all the report and think for while so this report is totally seem non-sense, time & Nation Money waste totally because in this commission Our Chief Executive didn't submit their statements in which COAS "Chief of Army staff”, President "Mr.Zardari & Prime Minister "Yousuf Raza Gillani", This report means that Our all intelligence, Arm Forces and Civilian Sleep next time they would be awaken. If commission accuse someone or take some one name so an English quote "Name in Shame" but in our society  there is no shame when you take some one name and expose someone corruption most solid example our Ex-MinisterAmeen Faheem (PPP) who didn't know how money came in His account. Other side Chief of Army Staff words quoted by"Mubbashir Luqman" program that His son didn’t believes OBL was there during the operation.
The Most Important thing why just "Page 197" missing from the report?? Is any witness raise serious allegation to any Institute particularly?? ISI former chief testimonial said "Our works focus on International terrorism and things because no government listen and give us any policy direction so we did all by our own self”. In Pakistan if you support ISI so you support illegal actions from arm forces, if you support civilians so you support corrupt politicians if you blame both so you are C.I.A agent. In Pakistan you hardly listen you are Pakistani Agent? Now every once focus is Pakistani Government publish full report of Abbotabad Commission or digest it. In last according to Major General (R) Jamshed Ayaz Khan that's operation was bogus and drama Dr.Shahid Masood I know you and I m requesting you , work on it and open the truth. The Major General (R) Jamshed Ayaz Khan also part of various think tanks in Islamabad, He was well known as liberal General during his time. If things are so mollified so God forbid after another incident like that so we are stand on same case ? I end my column on this quote "You can make fool some people for a period ".I request to Nation keep your eyes and ears open if they want to get rid of the confuse situation.



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