

I don’t know what to write because after “OBL” Commission Report there is lots of Confusion and wait n watch policy on every issue due to our blame game politics , we are on back foot inside in Pakistan even on Back Side on Foreign Policy .The recent “LoC” tension was not suddenly increase its start before 8 Jan when Indian Army Killed a Pakistani Soldier then on 8 Jan Pak Army Killed Indian Solider then both side citizen and arm forces people died on “LoC” Attack  After 8 Feb Afzal Guru hanged till death punishment which was awful from Indian Courts , Even in their judgment they write they don’t get any evidence but  we punish you cause we want  cold our nation patience after  Afzal Guru Death in Kashmir two to three times various Attacks by Kashmiri Mujahideen’s who were under control or on various Mountains they  combines and attack on Indian Soldiers in which one incident they used Pak Army Dresses that’s Indian official point of view and total 1 8 to 12 Indian Soldiers Killed in Kashmiri’s Mujahideen attack in last attack on 5 August the Indian 5 Soldiers died their official first statement that was did by some Kashmiri’s with Pak Army Dresses but election is  near so the pressure of B.J.P (Bharti Janta Party) put the pressure and Indian pro army media built pressure to the government so that’s why Indian  Foreign office change their position , But the fact is that due to Pakistani Media mature response and PM Nawaz Sharif repeat the words again “We Don’t want to stop composite and Diplomatic dialogues with India”  and on 14th August when Ban kee Moon also support the Pakistani policy on drones so Indian foreign office realize their case would be weak and Pakistan get full marks in U.N if they stop dialogues   , that’s why when they take re-action from U.N and PM Nawaz Sharif Indian foreign Minister Salman Khursheed again give the statement “We Don’t want  stop dialogues with Pakistan we would talk on Mumbai attack and others issues with Pakistan” .Now came to Afghanistan Situation where Our ISI Foreign Policy seem quite fail regarding Afghanistan because U.S and International community facilitate  Indians to open their offices and guests house in Afghanistan and Indian army trained  Afghanistan 3.5 lac Army last some years with the help of U.S  the Pakistani establishment was thought that anti-Pakistan Army can’t establish but  India play their cards very sensible Indian talk with Northern Alliance and now last reports came from Afghanistan that Afghanistan Army having Uzbik,Tajik’s,Kurd’s, & Pashtoon as well now the problem is that our deployed on Northern borders cause of Our old tensions with India but  if Afghanistan Army also stand on west borders so Pakistani army would be in  panic . Baluchistan recent terrorist wave is stronger than ever because these all things have nexus with each other reason is that Indian have now strong footprint in Afghanistan so they easily support Sectarian violence in Baluchistan that’s also the reason of Baluchistan but feel sorry to J.I (Jamat-e-Islami) they said someone make brothers weak there is conspiracy in Muslim brotherhood, but question is this they don’t have sense who killed each other or sectarian bases or linguistic bases? In Kashmir first time Sectarian killing listening in last 66 years after Afzal Guru Punishment once again Kashmiri’s Mujahideen united once again very lethally this time but Indian army also success to create split in Kashmir as Shia Sunni difference, according to Sheikh Rasheed Statement we need to focus our inner matters just we are not capable to take all world hectic because our foreign policy is quite weak Kashmiri’s would fight their case better because after “LoC” tension is all about propaganda ,according to my view He is quite right might be because these days war is not just weapon war it’s also media propaganda war so you need to fight with it .The matter of fact is that we don't know  how to deal with terrorism and International threats because  Indian and Pak army have state actors and non-state actors if Pakistan leave Taliban Haqqani and Mullah Umar's so things would be more worst in Pakistan and army operation would be must in Waziristan , but if Pakistan army support Northern Alliance so according to "Saleem Saafi" well known Pashtoon Journalist some are in supports of  Pakistan these days but don't forget Indian army also used their state actors liked they used in Pailament attack or in Baluchistan insurgency increase so it's not easy to take any decission till now Political Leadership don't talk with army, I am agree with Mr.Imran Khan statement they sit togehter in locked room and after that came out with a policy where both Pak army and Politicians are on one page like Mr,Imran Khan , PM Nawaz Shareef , Pervaiz Kiyani and as well as Moulana Fazal ur Rehman Sb becuase if  they don't take any religious party during making policy so hard to do any make policy because they would intterupt it and make that policy weak or put Government on back foot , You can't deny the importance of  religious parties at any how they have  not major vote bank but they have major vote bake in our tribals provinces but last 13 years no clear policy came out that's why this war drag so long and also U.S policy wasn't reliable about Afghanistan so in end game of Afghanistan , We need to things very rapidly otherwise and other sort of terrorism came out from Afghanistan how much Pakistan  make a policy regarding these things it's not good just for Pak Army it's also fruit full for the Political and specially for Pakistani people.
.I would like to end my blog on this quote.Francis Bacon was an English philosopher.
Truth emerges more readily from error than from confusion.


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