"Discussing Future of Afghanistan"

Discussing Future of Afghanistan
I am talking about future of Afghanistan so let me remark today date “15-03-2014”,last 14 years  Afghanistan in a war situation ,the history of Afghanistan tell us no one can rule on Afghanistan till today  but this war create some new things in those tribals who always be a man dominant society ,and females of Afghanistan don’t get their rights according to the global world ,The positive change of this war is that the conservative and left side party  “Hazb-e-Islami” Leader Gulbadeen Hikmat Yaar Khan   understand this and also agree to strengthen female ,and He gave statement  now “We are not against female studying and we are ready to give woman’s right in Social,Political & Domestic level as well”,from that statement we can see better Afghanistan in some decades in near future .

In today Afghanistan we can see small role Afghanistani woman’s in Police,Journalism & as well as in parliament and gradually they are raising their rights for woman’s right, whenever U.N troops would leave  Afghanistan the current speculations are U.S troops would leave in 2020 to 2025, during that time period in Afghanistan Institute start making , if today three  prominent females in Afghanistan Institutes so due to that aspect the new generation of Afghanistan man’s  not consider just Islamic education they would also get science and knowledge education too .
Today we live in a global world or you can say global village where generation  gap is now not depend on ten years now generation gap is taking just 5 years because the world technology change such rapidly ,let’s assume in next 50 years  in past century if five  generations develop so we can say that these days  next 50 years 10 generation would be grow in Afghanistan ,according to world history human is always familiar with their time technology so almost six or 7 generation would be take participate in global world but  by pedigree they would be also good fighters in their self, but as country they need army who can save their boundaries to protect from the world  other countries army so they have three or four generation would be there to put them in army to portect their Citizens .
Readers  when you read this article you taking very lightly and saying quite foolish about me but  if you calmly think about on these aspects and see in bigger picture might be you would be agree with me but look Pakistan no one can say in past times there would be a very sound media & judiciary would be activated this way but it’s happened but it’s not my debate about its positive or negative impact on Pakistan ,In 1980 or 1990’s no one can even think about it but it’s happen unfortunately .Afghanistan can be change   hope for the best.

Feedback : marvelous.mohsin@hotmail.com


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