NEXT (February 16, 2013)

     Week News is this new Government would be announce but things is not such easy as these politicians make it ,  so many  baggage came  on next week , we live in that country where every day many of people  went to  various countries of the world with their money and no one is here to stop them agencies and army is day by day more busy with terrorism and foreign  matters where our foreign office committee AsfandyarWali is busy with his election politics and last 5 years ,He hardly came on front foot on any issue , but this is not just ANP every party shows his absence regarding foreign issues the PML N whose claim on second biggest party of Pakistan also silent the silent from PML N is quite observable if this sort of   happen in any country so nation would be on streets  , but in Pakistan situation is day by day quite worst the recent agreement between U.A.E and Pakistan world largest building in Karachi , show the symptoms that PML N  would lead next election before that as I mention in my previous column U.A.E is active to play vital role in Pakistan politics but matter is fact that The most controversial “Malik Riyaz” was signing on that table ,before that news or you can say rumors are that “Malik Riyaz” would play his part in next elections but people and analyst not consider him and lots of analyst said “Malik Riyaz game is end in politics” but in Pakistan you can expect anything , where the “End-Game” of Afghanistan is move forward day by day and here in Pakistan an APC holding by ANP or same day attack on KPK Chief Minister  , Politicians need to re –view 100 times before dialogue with TTP
“Tehreek-e-Taliban” they must need clearly give the statement for nation but all parties are agree for dialogues most lethal terrorist “TTP”  but other side army  said “Inside tension is bigger than India”, but
things is  not so easy this year for Pakistan last forty five days  4 Army Youngster died , But there is no sound except MQM leader Mr.AltafHussain .
 Mr.Zardari is focusing on Punjab politics and last night 7 important persons leave the party and join to PML (N) ,  as Dr.ShahidMasood in his last column that world analayst said “Pakistan lost the time “ where they can adjust their IMF and other matters with rest of world countries , but in Asia Pakistan is closer to Iran before election and big changes happen in Asia also happen like  Elections in Iran , Next  Prince of Saudia Arabia , but  I don’t know how leader sleep so easily , I read some days ago Politicians of  the world having sleeping issues mostly , but when I see in my Own Pakistan I feel all sleep easily without any hurdle because last 5 years  how they create a corrupt state , and here  in Pakistan where people use to abuse slang where rest of world leaders think where is the nation who daily robbed by their politicians but there is no sound from nation I was expected when Mr.Zardari and Mr.Nawaz make collation government so they would take dollar 104 Rs but I feel Dr.Shahid Masood  say better because He is so old in analyst where He said dollar rate in Pakistan can be down  to 115 Rs, after his tour with world think tanks people , but other side PTI don’t give any proper economy policy in their any gathering or press conference and petition of  Dr.Tahir-ul-Qadri  cancelled by Supreme Court but it’s also open lots of question regarding Supreme Court and new debate create
In  Karachi people facing one dozen deaths , other side Karachi Buisness society would do protest with arms on the tomb of Quaid  . I don’t know what Quaid e Azam  feel  if He seem this situation of Pakistan   , I am speech less Now  I would say to my readers keep observing any big and small news cause any  news can change the scenario but   other side where so many Pakistani try to do friendship with India after Azfal Guru Death Kashmir issue again on lime light but here is no politician who can fight their case now  let’s see who would wear the crown of PM in care taker government any judge or others Mr.Shakirullah Jaan or the list which was  present in social media . I hope this nation would get out all tthis trouble  because as Muslim  We faith on Allah . And nothing can worst than this situation so after that things would be in better shape .. Let’s see what’s next


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