"My Buisness Idea"

I have Idea for business as well as Pakistan Prospective I want to Share with you , Rehan Allahwala Saad Saleem Fahad Younis
I want to Create an International Political Institute (where all Embassies diplomats came and teach the students about Politics) for creating Tolerance in our Politicians . and where new ideas , new laws and send to Media, NA and Senate it's easy for them they can just go threw with it and pass it and implement , We would take burden from them to create laws on Social matters of Society . It's also help to Students they can came and Participate in politics , where the all sort of Political philosophy education give to the students. Also those who raise Voice against any Injustice in Society they would be honored there and Recognized them. Which Encourage others to raise their voice against Injustice in Society


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