"What is MullahCracy"

What is Mullah Cracy ?
Example # 1)
Mullah Cracy is the term where Mullah and the people behind them start forcing others , like A white collar person stand in Masjid or in Any Holy Place and start saying He need some money or some thing due to any reason the person behind Mullah take mic and say kindly sit please if you need help kindly go outside and ask for help , It's make white collar person into professional beggar. Holy Places are God House who you are stop some one to do this , He is asking in God's Home not in your home.
Example # 2)
When Kids are trying to came in front lines for Prayer people trying to set them back as compare to appreciate them they can regular Prayers in Masajid and Holy Places but due to that Reason Kids away from Masajid "This is also Mullah Cracy other kind where Mullah don't teach Elders "
Example # 3)
According to Islam no one is superior during Pray time but there are some people in Every Masjid , they put their some things on some special place and came late when Imam Sahib Start Pray and go threw over lots of people in Islam when you enter in Masjid or any place when you see the free place you can sit there don't need to jump people it's out of manners but people do .Example # 4)
The people who are behind Imam Sahib , During Qutba they talk continuously and break the concentration of others but in that manner who cares attitude, but when kids do people anger on them and said go back side rows make people away from Masajid
Example # 5)
When An Imam already giving Qutba the other once came so people start stand and saying Salam to the Other Imam or Allama or Any Special personality which Islam not allow and no one cares about it .
Example # 6)
Imam Saheb And Mullah need to take care of time , Time punctuality Islam also teach us . Kindly follow this .
Example # 7)
In Surrounding of Madarsah's and Masajid roads and sides are dirty,they can strike and close the market but why they can't keep clean their surrounding and didn't take any action against it ?
(Part 1 )

Note: I am Not Religious Person due to these act a common Muslim urge with them and stay away from them these are the reasons people away from 5 times pray or pref-are Pray in Home. I am not that good Person but Mullah Cracy word which I used due to that reasons.


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