"Nawaz Shareef failed on Foreign Policy"

What a Joke Our Foreign Office Run by Establishment last one year but all the Success of that foreign Policy turn into Failure, Thanks to Nawaz Shareef and Political Block of Government . Every Year U.N Assembly Our Political shows their minus Zero Interest in Global Changes , If You can't change the things Kindly Change Your Place and Give Chance others who can do work for betterment , These Days Asian Political Block is fail to Present their Case on International Forum . World is Change into Digital but their Attitudes show they want to turn in more poverty and Stones Era . Seriously after reading various Articles . If Politicians want Democracy then they need to work on every Section of Government as compare to just Visit various countries for personal marketing stunts , Last Six to eight months Raheel Shareef almost every Important country and show serious concern about golbal changing but unfortunately on such big platform , Nawaz Shareef turn down Mr.Raheel Shareef Foreign Policy and away himself from print media even Electronic media , The shocking news that even don't give the interview CNN . The way PM Nawaz Shaeef just trying to complete his term at any how , even the Maliha Lodhi who played vital role in foreign policy last few years , when seeing her face on screen her moral look down. Is it the way to run a Country ? Even PM wouldn't go on Obama Dinner the place world leader try to engage with U.S and delivery their message and their reservations on dinner but God Knows what Our PM Nawaz Shareef want . The other end Iran and Russia play their role smartly , there was a time when Bhutto and Benazir Present our case on International level vocally,Now after Benazir Death there is no Political Leader who fight Pakistan case in U.N and on International Forums . Every Political party show no concerns about it and even opposition leader silent on this thing . 
Written By Mohsin Ali


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