Meaning of Life

What's The basic Meaning of life Which's According to Jewish Christian & Islam teaching , Actually The Basic Principle and Concept as human being of living is Co-Existence .If we Read any Prophet like Hadrath Musa A.s , Hadrath Eesa A.s & Even Hadrath Muhamammad Mustufa Salalaho Alehi Walehi Waslam they Live their major part of life in living the method of Co-Existence they didn't fight till the opponent challenge even in hardest time of their life they go for Co-Existence even Hadrath Imam Hussain A.s try His Best till last moment for Co-Existence . When We Start believing in Co-Existence then we are also able to respect other views,cultural & religious believes and also able to understand what's are basic Human rights, In History always Radical mindset goes for Fight and killing as first step . If we are believers of Our Prophets Why We Try to work against this Concept of Basic Rule of Nature . Even Israel Palestine , Pakistan India Kashmir issue can be solve if we try to get rid of Radicals,Racism,Fascist & Sarcasm .World Can Change war towards Peace if We Want to Change . The other matter of fact that those believe in Co-Existence they scare to communicate and interact with each other . Let's Connect listen each other and try to play our part for peace United Nations must need listen Israel common man and also listen Palestine common people .Stop Listen a Dictator Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהוnetanyahu The Dictator Under the Umbrella of Democracy .If We try we will bring peace on Earth. Written by Mohsin Ali


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