What We are loosing?

                                       "What We Are  Loosing ?

ISIS is Good Because Taliban is Bad , Taliban is Good Becaue Al-Qaida is bad , They are not Muslims  But They are part of Muslim , They don't have Religion but they Use Islam Name but They don't know Islam Preaching , They all work for Shariah but They all Don't follow the Shariah, They all want Arab way of Ruling Caliphate but all they want their own occupied or described area, They all have differences but they all do nexus in hard times.
Turn to Common Person all hate each other due to linguistic base, Saudi or Iranian  base mindset , they all hate and called traitor due to party belonging , they all hate each other being conservative, liberals , Secular & Religious bases , They all have their own martyred , like Shia,Sunni,Barelvi,Deobandi,Ahl-e-Hadees,Mahajir,Pathan,Punjabi,Balochi, Pakhtoon
in the End Pakistan Lost 70,000 in all those killing , Pakistan Suffering , Pakistan Bleeding but all are wearing glasses of a/c to their own believe. What We Loosing Pakistan and What We Strengthen "Terrorist" .. It's up to you part of "Terrorism" being apologetic or Stand against them with "Pride.

Written by : Mohsin Ali 


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