Artice Secret of Success

Success is a journey, not a destination. – Ralph Arbiter"
Success need continuous efforts towards goal , there is lots of success stories around us but every successful man have their own description of success , In our lives we daily set our small routine of life which we called things to do  and some how at the end of the day most of people complete it with their commitment and lots of persons leave their work for tomorrow from their things to do list , but a successful person not just make things to do list also divide work in day proportions and daily try to do more work in short time and their continuous struggling between time and work make him or her as successful person ,Success secret is keep learning from our mistakes and control on it ....this is called "Secret of Success".
Now we put this thing in Our Current Political scenario ,In Pakistan there is near about 160 small and big parties in Pakistan but all parties probably most doing same thing , They don't want to learn from past every once want to enter in power politics , I am not saying that's not their right they have , but thing is this they just do keep politicking in politics and bashing each other but no one try to learn from their past , If some one try to learn but other end they do other blunders  , every once focus on other mistakes but don't focus on their mistakes,In 1990's we saw two party system which we lose a lot and find nothing almost .. and then Pervaiz Musharraf came Kind of Marshall Law then finally two parties decided 2005 on one agenda for Democratic struggle and so called "Democracy" came but  once again we are now in more worst position in these days . Two Parties are now trying to pulling legs of Third party before PTI , MQM was the 3rd Largest Party but both parties make strategy against MQM and They both united against MQM and start blame game on MQM and did worst operation in  90's era ,As News reader now I m also seeing same sort of thing with PTI  but this time  now the thing is that how PTI react against their blames and Is PTI lose their temperament ? so It's depend on Imran Khan how He got Success in Politics , Is PTI workers react like MQM Workers in future or Imran Khan can control their workers and strong grip on it ..Is P.T.I would beNext MQM  in Punjab but He missed two chances and God give him a third chance , Let's see He would learn from past or not ...
Secret of Success in His Own Hands ..


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