Social Fabric in Society

We all participate in weaving the social fabric; we should therefore all participate in patching the fabric when it develops holes mismatches between old expectations and current realities”.
By Anne C Weinberg
In our Society there is no cohesion contradictions and hypocrisy are everywhere, even in individual level. Due to this reason we are facing lots of trouble. We called ourselves “Islamic Country” but we don’t follow the most basic thing .In Islam and any other religions the basic thing is similar. We can’t blame fall of our society to non-Muslims seeing that almost 93% Pakistanis are Muslims in our country and “majority is authority”. When we claim and set moral values for other people, the ironical thing is we don’t even follow ourselves. The boiling issue is our society is full of uncertainty. We shout loud Muslim Ummah Muslim Nation; we don’t do marriage with other sects or ethnic identities. On the one hand when any Islamic Country face trouble our nation and our leaders also start Rallies and protest on it but on the other when a couple get burned or killed due to love marriage, then we make a claim to other countries not to interrupt in our cultural values; on this matter non of any Islamic thuds and NGO groups do any sort of protest on it.  Actually the problem is Asian society is too emotional; seldom dare to face the facts and seldom dare to make a real revolution. We should behave ourselves well before we ask others, Pakistanis tend to say
“ins-ha-ALLAH” but seldom really take action, I m not only referring to common people, even people from high level also do same thing. We just sit there, do nothing and only complain, only say ins-ha-Allah.
We want to change the society but we don’t try to change ourselves “Surely, Allah changes not the condition of a people until they change that which is in their heart. (Al-Qur'an 13:11) ”.

In civilized countries people don’t bother if someone called them “son of bitch” and in Pakistan people don’t bother if someone called them liars. The other problem in our society is a man do mixing in milk or any thing. In Pakistan people always blindly support one person whether that person does well or bad, rarely will people raise voice against him.  In this country, nothing will change when nothing happened, from the top and from the bottom When someone tries to raise voice, no one listens to him and people even suggest that person keep quite, the less trouble the better, and people in general suppose our society can only reach peace when no one tries to raise any voices. Nowadays in Pakistan women issues are targeted in majority in the mass media, such as woman rights and violence on women but issue is not just about women. Women issues are not the only issue we should deal with.

All the problems mentioned above are because of our individual hypocrisy.  When a poor “chabri wala” works on footpath and the government work on encroachment, we support that poor man.  When someone earns money in illegal “Haram” way we do not bother that much cause we try to neglect the fact. We don’t do justice in our local areas and same thing happened on larger scale.  When one eats he would take the bite from mouth not from his ear or nose.  When the election comes, one still will vote for a member who did corruption and didn’t work for society again and again based on sectarian, family background or others bases.  In politics basic law and in Islam, it says, “A trading person can’t do politics”, but in Pakistan we see big traders, businessmen and millionaire do politics, and other side our Islamic thuds also do politics not for nation but for their earnings. If this nation doesn’t correct itself from head to toes, then see what will happen!  The whole society will be totally out of control from social, political and even economical levels.  The only solution is to create cohesion in our society, follow the guideline or build proper policy and system, otherwise Pakistan zinda-baad will remain only a dream, this country will only go downhill, and finally declared as a as fail nation. Al-lama Muhammad Iqbal said, “Words, without power, is mere philosophy”. Every single Pakistani should face the truth and stand up, this country won’t be saved by only one person or only group of persons, instead, and it will only be saved from all the Pakistanis from all provinces from all levels.
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