Karachi Literacy Festival 2014 Memory

""Memory of 2014 Karachi Literacy Festival",I learned two things from this plat form , I want to share it with you first think writer must need whatever He/She in the mind of writer must write it on that moment because , doesn't matter you write some things it's could be always right but it's a thing which came in your mind can create some thing or create space in society debate so never stop your pen when any things came in your mind , I learn this thing from Miran Sethi and Shahahanda Jee session in writers, blogger columnist session and second thing which I learn from that session  "Interfaith" Harmony which is the need of current situation of world , where Bushra Ansari shared the valuable thing about it , She told in that session her cook was from Hindu Community and we never let down our cook in our entire life because if even we try to make fun as kids in our playing side or room so our elders angry on us , and always give the privileged to our Cook  and there was no separate glass or plate for cook .

Written by Mohsin Ali 


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