


Stop Comparison

Criticizing is Good thing but in limit . On 16 December still Nation have that element which are bit confuse or might be don't want to understand , They against Candle Lights and Protest (Demonstration) that's why they didn't came out from their home, and they think it's better to recite for them in homes, But really I feel they must need to come and see the people and people also reciting their but not showing off , and our reciting is not for them as they are Martyrs and will definitely go to Heaven, but it's our Religious duty to do reciting for all Martyrs here on Facebook a long debate between Bajour, Kurem Agency , Red Masjid,Jacobabad , Abbas Town, Ismail / Ahemdi Community , Quetta & Moon Market Martyrs , but why APS take cover in all of them , let me remind you one thing every biggest or brutal attack was condemned before that Abbas Town Attack and Balochistan Was the Highlight so that Time also on Facebook people try to compare rest of attacks , Dea

"History Create Character"

There are so many writers in  current century , all the past time too many writers came and went out from this world , so being a writer it's her/his duty to what writer knows ,believe and analyse must need to to choose right words to describe Her/His experience because if writer do any mistake deliberately so it's have serious consequences . Nations who don't have right history about their social,personal &  on political lines, They are  fail to build new civilization,Political ,social and even  personal lives can't because when a writer do a mistake so writer is also Character of past society , He also create character for next Generation so be true with your words. 

"A Small Step towards Change"

How Can We Can Create small Change in Society Division of Rich & Middle class or Un Privilege people ? Whenever You go in Taxi or Rikshaw(TukTuk) when you reach your destiny so you can sit with him on hotel and drink tea with that person , or you can also ask for lunch or dinner if you go in any restaurant . Problem is not that they are poor or don't have wealth the basic problem of society we live in our own paradise , so just try to do it at least once in a month hope it's create better Society and females can do with their tailors & maid . Wriiten by Mohsin Ali 





"My Life My Experience"

People enter in your life when they talk you each n every thing but after sometimes , after sometime they slowly try to avoid you , keep silence when you talk and finally they ignore you even don't bother you any more , because they said you before world is full of changes but I am always same for you but they change in the end because part of society , also change hypocrite.  ‪#‎ FactOFLIfe‬   ‪#‎ Mylifemyexperience‬ Written By Mohsin Ali 

What We are loosing?

                                       "What We Are  Loosing ? ISIS is Good Because Taliban is Bad , Taliban is Good Becaue Al-Qaida is bad , They are not Muslims  But They are part of Muslim , They don't have Religion but they Use Islam Name but They don't know Islam Preaching , They all work for Shariah but They all Don't follow the Shariah, They all want Arab way of Ruling Caliphate but all they want their own occupied or described area, They all have differences but they all do nexus in hard times. Now Turn to Common Person all hate each other due to linguistic base, Saudi or Iranian  base mindset , they all hate and called traitor due to party belonging , they all hate each other being conservative, liberals , Secular & Religious bases , They all have their own martyred , like Shia,Sunni,Barelvi,Deobandi,Ahl-e-Hadees,Mahajir,Pathan,Punjabi,Balochi, Pakhtoon But in the End Pakistan Lost 70,000 in all those killing , Pakistan Suffering , Pakistan Bleeding b

Meaning of Life

What's The basic Meaning of life Which's According to Jewish Christian & Islam teaching , Actually The Basic Principle and Concept as human being of living is Co-Existence .If we Read any Prophet like Hadrath Musa A.s , Hadrath Eesa A.s & Even Hadrath Muhamammad Mustufa Salalaho Alehi Walehi Waslam they Live their major part of life in living the method of Co-Existence they didn't fight till the opponent challenge even in hardest time of their life they go for Co-Existence even Hadrath Imam Hussain A.s try His Best till last moment for Co-Existence . When We Start believing in Co-Existence then we are also able to respect other views,cultural & religious believes and also able to understand what's are basic Human rights, In History always Radical mindset goes for Fight and killing as first step . If we are believers of Our Prophets Why We Try to work against this Concept of Basic Rule of Nature . Even Israel Palestine , Pakistan India Kashmir issue can be

"Lesson for P.T.I"

Finally , a honey trap marriage change into divorce what a great trap by players now people will start. open their mouth and talk shit for Reham Khan but she played well sorry to P.T.I kids ! its not was MQM fault or not PPP fault . P.T.I want to things in hurry and then lose it. A lesson to P.T.I hope they did the last mistake now need to focus on things . Written By Mohsin Ali 

"Grow Up"

I saw many PeaceProfile Pics in which they said , I hate India because they killing in Kashmir , but Hypocrisy Hype they Support Indian Content  and Films and Regular Watching their movies , Dramas and Reality Show how Hypocritical  Hatred they are .. Really Feel Pitty For them . Written By Mohsin Ali

Think Twice Next Time Asian Nation

"Twice Next Time Asian Nation"  People said Face Palm on those who degrade other females (Wife,Daughter etc) But they forget When Shaista Lodhii Case happened when Mr.Junaid Jamshed Degrade female , When they use slang for Malala and Aasma Jahangir. They forget their words when they were doing and now saying We have no right to involve in personal matters . Ex-Cuse me but Leaders and Celebrity life never personal in History , Even Mr.Shujat Hussain have disease that's why he talk like that way but People degrade his way of talking ,Meera is Schizophrenia Patient She don't do really but due to this disease She has this personality but people use slang. People always stand with their idols but never see what they did with other idols personality. Now It's lesson for every one . Written By Mohsin Ali 

"Zaruri" Urdu Poetry


An Urdu Story


"Bila Unwaan"


"Nawaz Shareef failed on Foreign Policy"

What a Joke Our Foreign Office Run by Establishment last one year but all the Success of that foreign Policy turn into Failure, Thanks to Nawaz Shareef and Political Block of Government . Every Year U.N Assembly Our Political shows their minus Zero Interest in Global Changes , If You can't change the things Kindly Change Your Place and Give Chance others who can do work for betterment , These Days Asian Political Block is fail to Present their Case on International Forum . World is Change into Digital but their Attitudes show they want to turn in more poverty and Stones Era . Seriously after reading various Articles . If Politicians want Democracy then they need to work on every Section of Government as compare to just Visit various countries for personal marketing stunts , Last Six to eight months Raheel Shareef almost every Important country and show serious concern about golbal changing but unfortunately on such big platform , Nawaz Shareef turn down Mr.Raheel Shareef Foreign

"Suno Lafz"




"Zindagi ki Ek Haeeqat"


